Más de 900 reseñas de 5 estrellas

Omnilux Clear

Una mascarilla de terapia de luz roja portátil, recomendada por dermatólogos, con resultados clínicamente probados para antienvejecimiento y rejuvenecimiento de la piel.
  • Reduces active acne and blemishes, redness & inflammation
  • Helps clear breakouts faster
  • Reduces and helps soften the appearance of acne scarring
  • All natural, no pain, side effects or downtime
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1.127,25 kr Excl. Tax with

#1 LED Mask for Acne

Real Stories, Real Impact

Ellen -

Verified buyer


Satisfaction rate among patients

Guaranteed Results

  • Rapid and significant reduction in acne lesions
  • 100% of participants saw improvements within 4 weeks

8 Weeks for complete acne clearance in all patients

Jess -

Verified buyer


Reduction in acne lesions

Painless and Easy

  • Completely pain- and side-effect-free treatment
  • Effective in treating both mild to severe acne

100% of participants reported a major reduction in acne within 12 weeks

Alana -

Verified buyer


Improvement of facial skin

Reduced Acne

  • Significant reduction in acne lesions within 4 weeks
  • No side effects reported

92% of patients achieved a 90% decrease in acne

Cómo brillar:

Desbloquee una piel perfecta con tres a cinco tratamientos de 10 minutos por semana.

1. Cargue el controlador y conéctelo a su máscara.

2. Asegure la máscara en su cabeza usando las correas de velcro ajustables.

3. Iniciar el tratamiento de 10 minutos.

4. Quítate la mascarilla y disfruta del brillo.

Loved by Dermatologists

Loved by Dermatologists

"If you pursue a treatment in-office you get the red light and blue light treatment separately, whereas when you do the Omnilux Clear mask at home you get both treatments at once, cutting down on time and making it very convenient. As a dermatologist, the Omnilux Clear is an excellent option for at home treatment of mild to moderate acne."

Dr. Andrea Suarez, MD, FAAD

Loved by Dermatologists

Loved by Dermatologists

"Omnilux Clear is an amazing low level light therapy device that I feel works on everything from acne to breakouts. The blue light neutralizes bacteria on the surface of your skin that is responsible for acne. The red light reduces inflammation and redness and is great at reducing excess oil production in the sebaceous glands. When these two wavelengths are used together, you receive a more effective and efficient acne treatment. This is why I love the Omnilux Clear mask."

Dr. Glynis Ablon, MD, FAAD

Loved by Dermatologists

Loved by Dermatologists

“Blue light therapy is beneficial for acne-prone skin because it helps decrease bacteria on the surface of the skin that causes acne, clogged pores, and congestion. It’s critical to choose an LED light therapy device which utilizes clinically studied wavelengths to ensure an effective treatment. I always recommend the Omnilux Clear mask for acne-affected patients. You can get great results with gentler treatments like LED light therapy while avoiding side effects that come with oral treatments.”

Dr. Jared Jagdeo, MD, MS

Loved by Dermatologists

Loved by Dermatologists

“Home devices allow for convenient and consistent treatment, making it easier for people to incorporate it into their skincare routine. Blue light at 415nm is absorbed by porphyrins, naturally occurring molecules produced by P. acnes, the bacteria involved in acne. Red light therapy penetrates deeper into the skin than blue light, reaching the dermis where inflammation occurs. It helps to reduce inflammation associated with acne, leading to less redness and swelling.”

Dr. Klaus Fritz, MD

How it works to clear acne:

Personas reales, resultados reales

Show me the clinical data!

Journal of Cosmetic Laser Therapy

A Study to Determine the Effect of Combination Blue (415 Nm) and Near-Infrared (830 Nm) Light-Emitting Diode (LED) Therapy for Moderate Acne Vulgaris

Lasers in Surgery and Medicine

Blue and Red Light Combination LED Phototherapy for Acne Vulgaris in Patients with Skin Phototype IV

Journal of Cosmetic and Laser Therapy

Light-Emitting Diode 415 nm in the Treatment of Inflammatory Acne

Journal of Cosmetic Laser Therapy

Combination Blue (415 nm) and Red (633 nm) LED Phototherapy in the Treatment of Mild to Severe Acne Vulgaris

Journal of Dermatological Treatment

An Open Study to Determine the Efficacy of Blue Light in the Treatment of Mild to Moderate Acne

Preguntas frecuentes

¿Funciona realmente la terapia LED?

Sí. Se ha demostrado clínicamente que la tecnología de Omnilux produce resultados de grado médico durante casi 20 años. Los dispositivos Omnilux se han perfilado específicamente en más de 40 estudios clínicos publicados, independientes y revisados ​​por pares, con aplicaciones que van desde el rejuvenecimiento de la piel, el acné, la pigmentación y otras afecciones cutáneas comunes.

Tenga en cuenta: ¡No todas las máscaras LED son iguales! Algunas marcas carecen de estudios clínicos o autorización de la FDA que demuestren una eficacia comprobada.

¿Cuánto tiempo tarda la terapia LED en funcionar?

Con un uso constante, deberías empezar a ver resultados con tu dispositivo Contour a partir de 4 semanas. Asegúrese de tomar fotografías de antes y después para comparar su progreso. A veces puede ser difícil notar la diferencia hasta que comparas las fotos de antes y después.

¿Cuál es el régimen de tratamiento recomendado para Contour Face?

Recomendamos utilizar los dispositivos Contour de 3 a 5 veces por semana durante 4 a 6 semanas. Después de las 6 semanas iniciales, debes continuar con los tratamientos de mantenimiento de rutina según lo desees según tu estilo de vida y las necesidades de cuidado de la piel, ya que la piel de cada persona es diferente. La coherencia es clave, ¡así que encuentre lo que funcione mejor para usted!

¿Es seguro utilizar Contour?

Con más de 40 estudios clínicos revisados ​​por pares y casi 20 años de experiencia, la tecnología Omnilux ha demostrado ser muy segura para todo tipo de piel, sin efectos secundarios adversos ni dolor. Omnilux Contour no genera calor ni luz ultravioleta.


Años de investigación

Un producto respaldado por la ciencia en el que puede confiar.


Tiempo de tratamiento por minuto

Un tratamiento casero rápido y cómodo.


Estudios clínicos

Validado por artículos clínicos revisados ​​por pares.


Año de garantía

Calidad garantizada y atemporal.

Tratamiento de calidad profesional a una fracción del costo.

La misma tecnología LED que utilizan los dermatólogos, pero en la comodidad de tu hogar.

Cuesta 9 veces menos que una visita al dermatólogo
Visita al dermatólogo* $3,600+
Rostro Contorno Omnilux $395

*Costo anual en $USD

Cuesta 9 veces menos que una visita al dermatólogo
Visita al dermatólogo* $3,600+
Rostro Contorno Omnilux $395

*Costo anual en $USD

Join 500K+ others loving the skin they’re in

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
★ ★ ★ ★ ★

First thing that’s actually made a difference in my acne

I have struggled with acne for over 15 years and this mask has made a real difference for me in the few weeks I’ve had it. My skin is noticeably clearer and softer thanks to not having to use harsh topical medication to treat my acne. - Katie C.

Verified Buyer
Skin concern:
Acne & blemishes
Skin Type:
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Saved me.

After going off birth control my hormonal acne was horrible and painful cystic acne I’d never experienced. Omnilux saved my skin and not only cleared the breakouts deep under the skin but I have minimal scarring or discoloration from them!

Verified Buyer
Skin concern:
Acne & blemishes
Pigmentation (dark spots or sun spots)
Uneven tone & texture
Fatigued-looking complexion
Skin Type:
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
★ ★ ★ ★ ★


I’m so excited to finally be acne-free for the first time in my entire life. This is coming from someone whose tried everything on the planet since middle school. Omnilux is clearly doing it’s magic.

Verified Buyer
Skin concern:
Acne & blemishes
Uneven tone & texture
Pigmentation (dark spots or sun spots)
Skin Type:
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
★ ★ ★ ★ ★


I’ve been battling hormonal acne around my mouth and chin for months and it was just getting worse. I noticed a big improvement after just the first week. Thankful for a remedy that actually works!

Verified Buyer
Skin concern:
Acne & blemishes
Skin Type:
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Game Changer

When I say within a week I saw a dramatic difference, I’m not even joking. Within a month, all my active acne was gone & now 3 months later I use it maybe once or twice a week to zap away any new pimples.

Verified Buyer
Skin concern:
Acne & blemishes
Pigmentation (dark spots or sun spots)
Skin Type:
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
★ ★ ★ ★ ★

A Game-Changer for my Acne-Prone Skin

After struggling with acne on my chin and mouth and trying various products, I started using Omnilux. In just two weeks, my skin color normalized, and the problem areas cleared up without drying my skin

Verified Buyer
Skin concern:
Acne & blemishes
Uneven tone & texture
or psoriasis
Skin Type:

La elección del dermatólogo

LED de grado médico

Respaldado por más de 40 estudios clínicos revisados ​​por pares

Aprobado por la FDA, aprobado por TGA, certificado CE

Respaldado por más de 20 años de investigación de marcas

Ajuste ultracontorneado con correas ajustables

2 años de garantía

Omnilux logo

Otras marcas de LED

Proteja su característica más reconocible

Envío GRATIS | 30 días de garantía de devolución de dinero